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Free Tiers

Leveraging Newcoin's Proof-of-Creativity algorithm and the concept of Watts for the allocation of free tiers of essential resources such as GPU, compute, storage, or transaction capabilities represents a strategic method to foster innovation while preventing abuse. By setting thresholds and multipliers based on Watts, platforms can attract high-value contributors without the risk of system abuse, effectively scaling an AWS free credit model through decentralized curation based on true value creation. This system assesses contributions and their impact through a comprehensive network of reviewers and diverse data sources, simplifying the complex decision-making process regarding who receives these crucial resources.

Incentivizing True Value Creators
High Wattage users, indicative of significant contributions to the network, can be allocated free tiers of compute, storage, or transaction capabilities, encouraging continued innovation and engagement within the platform. This approach ensures that valuable resources are directed toward those who add tangible value to the ecosystem.

Preventing Abuse and System Overload
By implementing thresholds and multipliers linked to users' Watts, platforms can safeguard against potential abuse and system overload. Users need to demonstrate a certain level of contribution and engagement, as reflected in their Watts, to access these free resources, which deters malicious actors and ensures the sustainability of the system.

Network-Level Blockspace Subsidization
During periods of network congestion, which are often mitigated by increasing transaction fees, a system that prioritizes transactions based on Algorithmic Points can ensure that essential transactions (e.g., wage reception, charitable donations) by true value creators are not outpriced.

This prioritization helps maintain equitable access to the network, particularly for those contributing positively to the ecosystem.Implementing this model requires several steps:

Quantify Contributions and Value Creation
Define a comprehensive points system that accurately quantifies the contributions and value creation of users across the platform. This system should consider various forms of engagement and innovation, from code contributions to community involvement.

Smart Contract for Resource Allocation
Develop and implement a smart contract that utilizes these points to dynamically adjust the allocation of free resources. The contract should include mechanisms to prevent abuse, such as dynamically adjusting thresholds based on overall network engagement and available resources.

Criteria for Prioritization and Subsidization
Establish clear criteria based on Algorithmic Points for users to qualify for prioritized transactions or subsidies. These criteria could include minimum points thresholds, specific types of contributions, or other achievements within the network.

Autonomous Operation During Congestion
Ensure the system is capable of autonomously identifying qualifying transactions during periods of congestion, prioritizing them accordingly to ensure their processing without prohibitive costs. This may involve integrating with existing network mechanisms for detecting congestion and dynamically adjusting resource allocation.

The expected outcome of such a system is multifaceted:

Fair and Efficient Allocation of Resources:
The smart contract effectively identifies and allocates resources to users with significant contributions, ensuring that true value creators are supported and encouraged.

Sustainability and Resilience:
By prioritizing transactions and resource allocation based on value creation, the system contributes to the overall sustainability and resilience of the platform, ensuring that essential transactions are processed even during congested periods.

Enhanced Network Inclusivity:
The implementation of this model promotes inclusivity by ensuring that individuals and projects contributing positively to the ecosystem have access to necessary resources, supporting a wide range of essential activities and fostering a more vibrant and equitable digital economy.