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Vectoshi Newkamoto
Newcoin allows you to compute your data history and generates an algorithmic identity that represents your creative energy while preserving your privacy.
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They gravitate around the Newcoin ecosystem and they are thriving.
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The best apps and communities of the internet us Newcoin. Discover how...
Ecosystem in Action
Communities & Networks
ALTERRAGE ⚡️ AfroDroids ⚡️ Aragon ⚡️ Backdrop ⚡️ Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society Blockchain Association ⚡️ BrightID ⚡️ CSM ⚡️ Canadian Web3 Council ⚡️ Catalog ⚡️ CoinDesk ⚡️ Coinvise ⚡️ Commons Stack ⚡️ ConsenSys ⚡️ Cowfund Creative Destruction Lab ⚡️ DAO Research Collective ⚡️ DIGI-DXL ⚡️ DRAUP ⚡️ Dappnode ⚡️ Digitally Rare Disco.xyz ⚡️ Dragonfly ⚡️ Ecodao ⚡️ FWB ⚡️ Forefront ⚡️ GQ Magazine ⚡️ General Magic | Solution services for Impact DAOs ⚡️ Gitcoin ⚡️ Giveth ⚡️ GreenPill ⚡️ Horizon ⚡️ INK DAO Imperial College London ⚡️ JPG Protocol ⚡️ Jevels ⚡️ JokerDAO ⚡️ KERNEL ⚡️ KnownOrigin Koodos ⚡️ Kotani Pay ⚡️ Layer3 ⚡️ Loot ⚡️ MaisonDAO ⚡️ Messari ⚡️ MetaFactory ⚡️ Metalabel ⚡️ Mirror ⚡️ MoMAR ⚡️ Museum Of Crypto Art ⚡️ Mutani ⚡️ OpenSea ⚡️ Orca Protocol ⚡️ PaperClipDAO ⚡️ Plantgang ⚡️ PleasrDAO ⚡️ Polygon ⚡️ zkEVM ⚡️ Protein ⚡️ RADAR ⚡️ RAW DAO ⚡️ RED DAO ⚡️ Roll Seam ⚡️ Seed Club ⚡️ Sound.xyz ⚡️ Surge ⚡️ The Bento Society ⚡️ The Creative Independent ⚡️ The DAO ⚡️ The Department of Decentralization ⚡️ The Digital Fashion Group ⚡️ The Fashion DAO ⚡️ The Iteratoor Project ⚡️ The New School ⚡️ The Queendom ⚡️ DAO Token ⚡️ Engineering Commons ⚡️ Twoplus DAO ⚡️ Untitled Frontier ⚡️ Variant ⚡️ Vogue Global Network